Tuesday, May 30, 2023

Understanding Depression and Suicidal Ideation in College Students

College is full of positive experiences, from participating in student organizations to learning about and securing your professional future. But leaving home and starting what seems like a new life can also be challenging for many people. Because of the changes and challenges that come with college, depression and suicidal ideation in college students are genuine concerns.

Statistics on Depression and Suicide in College Students

When it comes to depression, suicidal ideation, and suicide in college students, the statistics tell an important story.

  • About 44% of college students report having symptoms of depression or anxiety.
  • 27% of college students are diagnosed with depression or another mood disorder.
  • 23% said depression negatively impacted their academic performance in the last 12 months.
  • 5% said depression delayed their progress toward their degree.
  • Suicide is the No. 2 leading cause of death for college students.
  • About 1,100 suicides occur on college campuses per year.

“Not all people who experience depression also have thoughts of suicide,” said Integrative Life Center Chattanooga Program Director, Teresa Shakir, LCSW. “However, many people who have thoughts of suicide also experience depression. The two concepts are linked.”

Factors Contributing to Depression and Suicidal Ideation in College Students

Colleges are filled with various types of people from all over the world. They have different stories to share and come from unique backgrounds. Some of them come to college with existing mental health issues, while others may develop mental health concerns while at the university. 

Factors that may contribute to depression and suicidal ideation in college students:

  • Stress and anxiety
  • Poor academic performance or academic stress
  • Social factors like problems making friends or fitting in
  • Isolation 
  • Financial stress
  • Substance or alcohol use
  • Trauma or other negative life events

Warning Signs of Depression and Suicide Risk

Some people are more open with their emotions, while others hide them. Regardless, it’s vital to understand the warning signs of depression or suicidal ideation in college students, so you know how to respond.

Warning signs of depression or suicidal ideation in college students:

  • Lack of focus
  • Missing class or declining grades
  • Withdrawing
  • Visible sadness, guilt, or shame 
  • Ongoing emotional or physical pain 
  • Difficulty completing daily activities like going to class
  • Talking about suicide or death 
  • Saying things would be better without them

“If you think that a loved one or student is showing signs of depression, it may be a good idea to have a private talk with them. Tell them what you’ve noticed and ask if they’re okay or if they need help,” Teresa said. “If the person expresses that they’re having difficulties, lead them to the campus counseling center or help connect them to a mental health professional.”

Growing Concern for Certain Groups 

When it comes to depression and suicidal ideation in college students, some groups are more prone to these issues than others. 

College Athletes

Getting a scholarship for being a successful athlete sounds like living a dream, but the pressure to perform athletically and academically can be difficult for a young person’s mental health. Being overtly competitive and creating perfectionist complexes can lead to unhealthy amounts of stress and anxiety that can cause depression and suicidal ideation in college student-athletes. 

Disabled Students

Having a disability can make it uniquely mentally and physically challenging to be a college student. The stresses of college or functioning in a new environment may be compounded for these students. In addition, watching other students successfully navigate college seemingly more easily can seem unfair. People with disabilities are more prone than others to suicidal thoughts, suicide planning, and suicide.   


High school and college are a time that many people explore their identity and self-expression while becoming mature, independent individuals. Those in the LGBTQ+ community often face bullying, homelessness, substance use, and various types of abuse, including physical, emotional, and sexual abuse. Recently, many state legislations have presented bills counterintuitive to the LGBTQ+ community that make life seem impossible. 

The Trevor Project, a nonprofit aimed at preventing LGBTQ+ youth suicide, found that suicide rates among that community decreased on college campuses that provided mental health resources and other resources specifically geared toward LGBTQ+ students.


Society puts toxic and outdated masculine standards on men that require them to be stoic, unemotional, and unreceptive to mental health treatment. This type of ideology can lead to severe mental health consequences among men. As a young man, you are navigating how to date, provide financially for your life, and be independent. When those expectations aren’t met, it can cause severe depression and suicidal ideation in college students. Men are four times more likely to die by suicide than women.

“Anyone can experience depression or suicidal ideation, but certain populations are more susceptible to these concerns than others,” Teresa said. “It’s important to let those around you know that you are a safe person to talk to and you will help them if they need help.”

Fighting Depression and Suicide in College Students

If you have a college student in your life or work with college students, it’s vital to understand how common depression and suicide is in college students. It’s also important to be able to recognize the signs that a student may need help.

To help a college student in need:

  • Create mental health awareness events that educate students on the risks and causes of depression and suicidal ideation in college students like themselves. 
  • Provide counseling and support systems for students who may face severe mental health concerns. 
  • Allow students to create organizations that open them to self-care and help them learn to love who they are. 

“We know that providing education, openly discussing mental health, and making resources available to those in need makes a difference, especially on college campuses,” Teresa said. “We can’t underestimate the value of these resources. If even one life is saved, it’s worth it.”

How ILC Can Help

Depression and suicidal ideation are a concern with college students. If you or someone you know is having problems with these mental health issues, Integrative Life Center is here to help. We provide individualized treatment for depression. Contact us to learn more or get started.


American College Health Association. (2022). Publications and reports: ACHA-NCHA III. National College Health Assessment. Retrieved February 24, 2023, from https://www.acha.org/NCHA/ACHA-NCHA_Data/Publications_and_Reports/NCHA/Data/Reports_ACHA-NCHAIII.aspx 

Mental health supports reduce suicidality in LGBTQ+ students. (n.d.). Retrieved February 27, 2023, from https://www.insidehighered.com/news/2022/09/29/mental-health-supports-reduce-suicidality-lgbtq-students 

Reese Druckenmiller, L. I. C. S. W. (2022, December 7). College students and Depression. Mayo Clinic Health System. Retrieved February 27, 2023, from https://www.mayoclinichealthsystem.org/hometown-health/speaking-of-health/college-students-and-depression 

Study explores suicide risk for people with disabilities ” college of public health & health professions ” college of public health and health professions ” University of Florida. UF monogram. (n.d.). Retrieved February 27, 2023, from https://phhp.ufl.edu/2022/09/06/uf-study-explores-suicide-risk-for-people-with-disabilities/ 

University of Michigan. (n.d.). Facts and Statistics. Counseling and Psychological Services. Retrieved February 27, 2023, from https://ift.tt/2OYKtj3

The post Understanding Depression and Suicidal Ideation in College Students appeared first on Integrative Life Center.

source https://integrativelifecenter.com/understanding-depression-and-suicidal-ideation-in-college-students/

Tuesday, May 16, 2023

When Suicide Treatment Facilities Can Help

It’s critical to connect someone with thoughts of suicide to the help and support they need. Suicide is the 12th leading cause of death in the United States. During mental health crises like suicidal thoughts and self-harm, support ensures those in need to receive help and treatment. Assisting those in pain is crucial, and suicide treatment facilities can keep people with suicidal ideation safe while helping them heal.

What are Suicide Treatment Facilities?

Suicide treatment facilities provide support, counseling, guidance, and safety for people with suicidal ideation or self-harming behaviors. These centers deliver treatment through various programs, addressing the underlying causes of the behavior through different mental health treatment types, depending on the needs of each person.

Residential programs offer integrative healing that targets the whole person and furnishes support and connection throughout treatment. Outpatient programs vary, with some recovery-intensive programs providing transitional housing and treatment as those in the program continue with real-world activities.

When to Seek Treatment

Treatment is likely necessary when mental health symptoms increase, safety is a concern, or suicidal thoughts are present. Experiencing multiple mental health symptoms and feeling overwhelmed or unable to cope during daily life tasks may also be signs that support is necessary. 

Suicidal thoughts can affect anyone at any age or time. These thoughts shouldn’t be considered something typical or something that will disappear on its own. Suicidal thoughts often stem from untreated mental health conditions, and seeking help for yourself or someone you love is critical.

“Anyone experiencing suicidal thoughts should seek mental health care and support from a qualified therapist immediately,” said Dr. Julie Eberwein, PhD, LPC-MH, LMHC, CAP, CCFC, Executive Director at Integrative Life Center. “If a person is in danger of harming themselves, they should immediately seek treatment through mobile crisis services or their local emergency room.”

Signs Someone Needs Help

Knowing that someone close to you is in pain isn’t always easy. It can be difficult to determine if someone is having suicidal thoughts, especially if they work to hide their emotions. But sometimes, people display warning signs of contemplating suicide.

“Many people who are considering harming themselves will cry out for help, but you can’t help them if you don’t know the signs to look for,” said Sheena Miller, LPC-MHSP, Clinical Manager at Integrative Life Center. “Some people don’t exhibit signs of suicidal ideation. The best you can do is understand the signs and make it clear to your loved ones that you’re there for them anytime they need help.”

Signs of suicidal ideation include:

  • Saying they feel hopeless, trapped, alone, they have no reasons to go on living, or the world would be better without them
  • Heavy substance or alcohol use
  • Avoiding social situations
  • Problems sleeping too much or too little
  • Extreme agitation or anxiety
  • Dramatic mood swings
  • Making a will or giving away possessions
  • Aggressive, impulsive, or risky behavior
  • Inflicting self-harm
  • Talking about suicide as a way out
  • Securing a means to end life


Talking to someone close to you who you think is having suicidal thoughts is difficult. Communicating openly and asking direct questions is challenging, but don’t be afraid to ask if they’re considering suicide. Acknowledge their feelings, remain calm, offer support, and tell them help is available. 

Initiating the conversation isn’t easy, but listening and encouraging them to seek help and even offering to assist them in finding help may save their life. Suicide prevention resources are available to help them.

Why Suicide Treatment Facilities are Beneficial

An environment that provides care, safety, and connection is essential to recovery for those with suicidal ideation. A treatment center can offer a safe place with mental health professionals who create individualized plans to help each person heal. A suicide treatment facility can also encourage connection with others in the same program to help the person understand they aren’t alone. 

“People who are harming themselves or considering suicide are in severe distress,” Dr. Eberwein said. “Mental health professionals at a treatment center know how to provide the help they need to stop harmful behavior and heal emotionally. A more positive outlook on life is the overwhelming benefit.”

What to Expect from a Suicide Treatment Program

Suicide treatment facilities use various approaches that are specific to the individual’s needs. Some suicide treatment programs use a multidisciplinary approach to healing, incorporating evidence-based and experiential therapies and other treatments to help heal the whole person. A person attending a suicide treatment program can expect to participate in various types of therapy.

Talk Therapy

Talk therapy is a common form of therapy that pairs a mental health professional with a client to work through feelings and process emotions. Talk therapy helps the individual understand their emotions by discussing them with an unbiased, uninvolved professional. The mental health professional helps the person explore where their emotions may originate, why they likely continue, and how to respond to or process them.

Trauma-Focused Therapy

Trauma-focused therapy helps a person understand how trauma affects their brain. It uses real-life experiences and exposure to process, treat, and help people understand traumatic experiences. Once a person better understands how their body and mind naturally respond to trauma, they’re more well-equipped to process and cope with it. Trauma-focused therapy also helps a person learn how to cope with triggers. 

Adventure and Experiential Therapies

Adventure or experiential therapies are hands-on treatments that encourage physical interaction by engaging in activities. These approaches include art, drama, music, play, and animal-assisted therapies. Treatment centers may use adventure and experiential therapies alone or with other methods to best serve the person.

Group Therapy

Group therapy allows people with similar mental health concerns to share with each other, learning from and supporting one another. Group therapies help people feel less alone in their mental health concerns. They help create support networks and accountability.

How ILC Can Help

Negative thoughts are common, but when they turn to self-harm or suicidal thoughts, outside help and support are necessary.

Treatment at a suicide treatment facility should be trauma-focused, centered on the whole person, professional, and caring. Integrative Life Center provides all of these things through our suicide treatment program. Contact us to learn more.

The post When Suicide Treatment Facilities Can Help appeared first on Integrative Life Center.

source https://integrativelifecenter.com/when-suicide-treatment-facilities-can-help/

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