Sunday, August 7, 2022

What are the Barriers to Seeking Mental Health Treatment?

If someone experiences mental health issues, why wouldn’t they want to seek treatment? What’s stopping them from getting the mental health help that they need? It may be easy to think, “Just get help!” But many barriers — individual and systemic — make it more difficult for some people to seek outpatient mental health treatment and make inpatient mental health treatment seem impossible. 

How Many People Face Barriers to Mental Health Treatment?

The World Health Organization reports that about 1-in-8 people worldwide have a mental illness or disorder, and many don’t receive adequate mental health care.

The average delay between someone experiencing symptoms of a mental health issue and the beginning of their treatment is 11 years in the United States, according to the National Alliance on Mental Illness.

People aren’t receiving the mental health treatment they need. But why? What are the barriers to seeking mental health treatment?

Fear of the stigma related to mental health treatment is the greatest barrier people experience, according to Richard Pelfrey, Director of Program Development and Implementation for Integrative Life Network. He said people just want to feel “normal.”

“On the surface, a person’s refusal may be justified by their busyness and explanations of why help isn’t necessary, but they’re likely afraid.”

In addition to fear, people may experience other barriers, such as a lack of knowledge about mental health, support, resources, and access to counseling and therapy.

How Does Integrative Life Center Help Eliminate Barriers to Mental Health Treatment

Lack of Mental Health Literacy

Talking about mental health has been stigmatized in the past (and continues to be among some groups and cultures). So, people may not know what signs and symptoms to look for. They may think what they’re experiencing is typical when, in fact, they have a mental illness that is affecting the way they live.

Past Negative Experiences

You’ve probably heard it before — sometimes, people seeking resources within their community or from the government don’t have the best experiences. Red tape, mountains of paperwork, and long wait times can plague community service organizations, including mental health services for those who are lower-income or need additional support. If a person has a negative experience with community mental health services, why would they trust them or try again?

Lack of Resources

Mental health services can be expensive, depending on factors like where a person lives and if they have insurance. Some people have access to mental health assistance through their jobs, but many people don’t have health insurance that covers counseling and therapy. 

Additionally, a person could experience a lack of support from their loved ones. For some cultures, families, and communities, the stigma surrounding seeking counseling or therapy remains strong. Some people may not have a supportive person to encourage them to seek help when needed. 

Lack of Access

Geography matters in terms of mental health resources. If you live in a city, you may have access to transportation that can take you to a counseling session at a community health agency during your lunch break. If you live in a rural area, it may take an hour to travel to the community agency and an hour back, making it difficult to continue counseling and keep regular working hours. 

Virtual counseling services make a difference for some communities, as not traveling for mental health services makes counseling more accessible. But, the same problems still exist for more intensive treatment or for those who can’t afford a computer or smartphone.

Ways to Break the Barriers

Where barriers to seeking mental health treatment are in place, how can a person or a community work to break them down? Some things help to dissolve these barriers, some of which you can do on the individual level, others in the community, and others must take place at societal and institutional levels.

Mental Health Education 

It’s essential to encourage conversations about mental health that provide accurate information. Many people aren’t familiar with the signs and symptoms of mental health issues simply because they haven’t had access to education about the topic. 

Agencies and professionals can provide basic mental health classes. People can seek information from books, podcasts, and papers on mental health. Schools may consider adding courses on mental health awareness or ensuring these conversations happen within other curricula.

Community Awareness

Community awareness can include things like making services that are available known to the public. Public figures and community leaders can speak out about mental health issues and link people to resources that work for them.

Family and Peer Support

Breaking barriers to treatment includes supporting loved ones dealing with mental health issues, encouraging them to seek treatment, and being knowledgeable of resources you can provide to your loved ones if they need help. 

How Does Integrative Life Center Help Eliminate Barriers to Mental Health Treatment?

Integrative Life Center is a mental health treatment center that actively tries to eliminate barriers to treatment.

“At ILC, we approach issues as opportunities to launch into our greatest life possible and to claim the joy and purpose which is our birthright,” Richard said. 

“This journey begins by finding reconnection through healing. This knowledge allows our team to approach any presenting problem without judgment and within the framework of acknowledging – perhaps for the first time in a person’s life – that they have been wounded and that wound was not their fault. And so it is that we are often able to soothe a person’s stigma-driven shame at the beginning of their healing journey through compassion and empathy.”

ILC offers various treatment options, programs, classes, and more. The mental health professionals at ILC advocate for their clients, working at the individual level to break down barriers to seeking inpatient or outpatient mental health treatment. Contact ILC today if you or a loved one needs mental health support.

The post What are the Barriers to Seeking Mental Health Treatment? appeared first on Integrative Life Center.


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