Friday, March 8, 2024

How to Manage the Cost of Rehab for Alcohol

When a person realizes they have a destructive relationship with alcohol, their mind may immediately begin putting up barriers that keep them from getting the help they need. Some of the most common barriers may sound like “You’re not really that bad, just cut back a bit,” or “You can’t really change, even if you get help.” This sort of negative thinking usually indicates an underlying worry holding someone back, like the length of stay or cost of alcohol rehab.  We understand that these concerns are valid, and we want everyone struggling with alcohol addiction to know that there is a way forward and that help is available. If you’re wondering about the cost of rehab for alcohol use disorder, we want to help. We’ve seen clients break free from their destructive relationship to alcohol, and we believe that no one is beyond help. Our practices focus on identifying the root causes of addiction and substance misuse, and taking steps to heal the whole person, not just addressing the symptoms of alcohol use disorder. 

Can I Afford Rehab for Alcohol Use Disorder? 

While it is true that many people use the cost of alcohol rehab as an excuse to avoid making changes, there are many paths to victory for those who accept that they need help and decide to get it. When self-talk tells us “you can’t afford help,” it’s usually just saying “you don’t deserve help” with different words.  The truth is, you deserve love and freedom from alcohol. The question is, will you give it to yourself? Instead of asking whether you can afford the cost of alcohol rehab, ask yourself if you can afford not to. A life of recovery from trauma and addiction is worth pursuing. The cost of ignoring these dependencies is too high. 

Understanding the Cost of Rehab

Understanding the full scope of expenses associated with alcohol rehab is important for making informed decisions. The true cost of alcohol rehab varies widely based on factors like the duration of the program, level of care, and the amenities offered. It’s nearly impossible to quote the average cost of alcohol rehab, because every treatment center varies.  We prioritize transparency for our clients and make sure that each person understands the total cost of their program before they begin. Once they set foot in our retreat center or begin outpatient treatment, they will not receive surprise costs or unexpected expenses.  We consider each person’s financial circumstances and insurance coverage when determining the cost of a given program. Our team works carefully with each potential client to help ensure they find the help they need. Our financial philosophy is designed to protect each client’s journey to recovery. 

The Costs Of Not Getting Help

It will certainly cost something to attend alcohol rehab. But if cost is holding you back, ask yourself right now – how much does drinking cost you per month? Is it $100? $1000? More?  What other costs do you incur with destructive drinking patterns? Even if you live in a distillery and drink for free whenever you want, the damage to your family, friends, and professional relationships goes beyond any dollar figure. 
  • What if your drinking leads you to miss your child’s recital? 
  • What if your drinking leads you to suffer through a morning meeting? 
  • What if your drinking leads to someone suffering a life-altering injury or losing their life? 
These are incalculable costs. Alcohol use disorder impacts your health, relationships, and overall well-being. We believe in addressing the root causes of addiction and fostering lasting recovery that goes beyond mere abstinence.  You may think that the cost of rehab for alcohol is too high. However, you need to compare this number with the cost of not getting treatment at all. Untreated alcohol addiction can lead to severe health issues, strained relationships, and a destroyed quality of life.  If you can afford to drink, you can afford to get help. 

Do Insurance or Disability Benefits Pay for Alcohol Rehab?

One of the most common questions we hear is, “does short-term disability pay for alcohol rehab?” Insurance can often help cover a portion of rehab, but the amount can vary. Our team works with many insurance providers to make treatment accessible when someone comes to us for help. We are glad to guide you through the process and verify your insurance, ensuring that you receive the benefits you are entitled to, and that you get the most out of your policy. Understanding whether a facility is in-network or out-of-network with your insurance can impact the cost of your treatment. ILC is committed to providing exceptional care, whether in-network or out-of-network, and we will work with you to explore the best financial options. In addition, you can look into your disability insurance terms and research the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA): 
  • If you receive disability benefits, this may cover some or all of the cost of your treatment. 
  • FMLA may provide job protection during your treatment. 
Regardless, we will gladly assist you in navigating your insurance and questions about the cost of alcohol rehab. Wherever you are in the process, we are here to help. 

Know the Cost of Recovery Before You Begin

It’s good to find a facility that will give you a true fixed price for your treatment. This is one of our distinguishing practices at ILC. When you reach out to us for help and decide to move forward, we work out the cost of your treatment before you begin. This is intentional, so that you can focus solely on reclaiming your power and freedom, without any unnecessary burdens.  Unfortunately, not all treatment organizations and facilities offer up-front fixed costs. It is not uncommon for some facilities to send a person home after five days when their insurance runs out, even though they weren’t told this would happen. Our insistence on up-front transparency surrounding costs is part of why we receive national recognition within the field of recovery.

Get Help Today at Integrative Life Center in Nashville, TN 

The decision to seek help for alcohol addiction is a courageous step towards a healthier, more fulfilling life. The cost of rehab for alcohol can be a concern, but at Integrative Life Center, we are here to help you navigate these challenges.  If you’re curious about the severity of your own alcohol consumption, we invite you to complete the Alcohol Use Disorder Identification Test (AUDIT) assessment below. The AUDIT is a quick, confidential, free tool to give you some objective perspective on your own habits around alcohol. Your path to freedom can begin today – call us at (615) 891-2226 to get started. 

The post How to Manage the Cost of Rehab for Alcohol appeared first on Integrative Life Center.


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