Saturday, March 2, 2024

What is a CSAT Therapist?

Maybe you’ve been seeking a sex addiction or porn therapist, and the acronym CSAT has shown up behind different therapists’ names. If so, you’re probably wondering what that stands for. So exactly what is a CSAT therapist?

CSAT stands for “Certified Sex Addiction Therapist,” which means a CSAT therapist has the credentials and training to work with people struggling with various forms of sex addiction, as well as their partners or spouses. If you or someone you love has a sex addiction, ideally you want to work with a professional who’s an expert at treating this condition. That’s why help from a CSAT therapist can be so beneficial. 

Understanding the Importance of a CSAT Therapist

As a certified sexual addiction therapist focuses on helping you overcome sex addiction, they provide a high degree of specialized knowledge, from understanding underlying trauma issues to the experiences and emotional damage that can arise from sex addiction. This comes from participating in specific accrediting courses to reach the level of training and experience needed to be a CSAT therapist.

Becoming a Certified Sex Addiction Therapist (CSAT)

Mental health professionals who want to become certified sexual addiction therapists are required to take extensive training and certifications (including 30 hours of direct supervision) in various compulsive sexual behaviors, including sex addiction, porn addiction, and masturbation addiction. To even be eligible for CSAT training, a therapist must already be a fully licensed mental health practitioner. This credential requires at least a master’s degree in counseling, psychology, or a similar field from an accredited university.

This professional must also have a license to practice as a counselor, social worker, therapist, psychologist, doctor, or psychiatrist without supervision through a state board or an international equivalent. Once they have these credentials, professionals still can’t become CSAT therapists until they have at least five years of direct experience as a counselor or therapist. 

After a therapist becomes certified as a CSAT, they are required to renew their certification every two years, which keeps their knowledge current and helps them stay aware of the latest treatments. 

With this certification, a CSAT therapist is qualified to utilize trauma-informed care in sex addiction treatment, allowing them to address any underlying issues of your addiction. This involves exploring any previous traumatic experiences, current mental health conditions, present relationships issues, and more. 

Using these tools, your CSAT therapist can not only get to the crux of your addiction issues, they can also address any co-occurring disorders present (such as anxiety, PTSD, or substance abuse). Your CSAT therapist can even help you develop healthy coping skills and relapse prevention strategies moving forward. 

The CSAT Therapy Process 

When you work with a certified sex addiction therapist, you’ll typically go through what’s called a 30-task approach, addressing early recovery tasks, long-term recovery tasks, and family/relationship recovery tasks. The first task usually involves completing an assessment of your addiction, such as Sex Addiction Screening Test (SAST). Digging deeper into the first task of early recovery, your CSAT therapist will invite you to list out all of the problems and frustrations you’re experiencing as a result of your sex addiction.

From there, sharing your story with others will be a critical next step. This will look like telling your addiction story to your CSAT therapist, someone else you trust, or in group therapy sessions. During this time, hearing the success stories of others in recovery, as well as a partner or close friend’s impact statement will be beneficial as well. 

As you move along the therapy process, you may take part in a 12-step or sponsored recovery program to help with your progression toward healing. It’s also important for your partner and extended family both to get the betrayal trauma therapy they need to process your sex addiction and to take an active role in helping you recover.  

Why Partnering With a Certified Sexual Addiction Therapist is So Effective

According to a study by the JAMA Network, it’s estimated that around 8.6% of Americans today struggle with compulsive sexual behavior like sex addiction. Consequently, people often don’t want to admit that they struggle with addictions like these due to feelings of shame, as well as simply not realizing how common sex addiction actually is in our society today. That’s why it’s so critical to partner with a certified sexual addiction therapist who understands the complex nature of this addiction and can help break down any barriers to getting healthier.

When you partner with a CSAT therapist, you can get the most effective treatment possible for sex addiction. For starters, you can ensure you get the right diagnosis if you indeed have a sex addiction. Less clinically trained therapists may think your symptoms are the result of a high sex drive, or even flat-out deny that you have a problem, leading to a misdiagnosis. But if you are truly struggling with a sex addiction, a CSAT will be able to determine this with certainty and start you on the right path towards long-term healing.

Your certified sex addiction therapist will also be well-schooled in the proper tools and methods to address the underlying causes of your addiction. They’d likely understand that one-one-one therapy is more helpful early on than couples therapy, for example, while traditional therapists may not. A CSAT therapist is also equipped to take a holistic approach to your treatment, meaning they can also simultaneously address any co-occurring disorders you may have. A CSAT can even provide therapeutic support and education to your spouse or partner as well.

Ready to Work With a CSAT Therapist? Integrative Life Center Can Help

If you’re struggling with a porn or sex addiction, our team of certified sex addiction therapists at Integrative Life Center in Nashville, TN are ready to help you recover. With our holistic approach to sex addiction treatment, we can personalize our care to address your core issues, as well as any co-occurring disorders. That means you can be well on your way to overcoming your addiction and restoring your life when you partner with us. To get started, contact us today

The post What is a CSAT Therapist? appeared first on Integrative Life Center.


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