Friday, September 20, 2024

Hypersexual? Here’s How to Find Out

“Am I hypersexual?”

That’s a question you probably thought you’d never ask yourself. But do some quick Googling of hypersexual search queries and you’ll find that you’re not alone. A lot of people like you are asking the same thing—and struggling. 

The question “what is hypersexuality” is not only a highly popular SEO term. It’s also something people are wondering about because hypersexual disorder has become more and more widespread in our world today. So what exactly does it mean to be hypersexual? And is there some kind of “hypersexuality test” out there? Let’s define it—and determine what you can do if you think your answer to that very first question is yes

What is Hypersexual Disorder?

So what is hypersexuality? Well, it isn’t a high sex drive. Hypersexual disorder is a condition marked by uncontrollable sexual thoughts, urges, fantasies, or behaviors (even all of the above). While sex itself is a good thing, hypersexuality is not. It’s essentially a fancier word for sexual addiction, a debilitating condition you don’t want to have. 

If you’re struggling with hypersexuality, it means your compulsive sexual behavior or thoughts have taken over your life. They’re so out of control that they get in the way of your ability to function or live normally. Hypersexual disorder can wreck your career, ruin your marriage, and damage your relationships with friends and loved ones. It can also hurt your physical and mental health, even leading to co-occurring disorders like depression. Unfortunately, despite these negative consequences, people with hypersexual disorder keep pursuing their addictions—even if they’d rather stop. But why? Trauma and dopamine. 

Hypersexuality and trauma are very connected. Because of unresolved trauma—such as adverse childhood experiences—people will use hypersexuality as a coping mechanism. Whether it’s painful memories from your past, new traumatic experiences, or daily stressors, it can be easy to turn to porn or masturbation to find relief from the negative feelings associated with trauma. These activities, after all, give your brain a rush of dopamine, the pleasure chemical associated with good feelings. 

But the more you use these sexual engagements to cope, the more you become accustomed to the pleasure they cause. Then, you’re unable to stop. Before long, you’re dealing with manifestations of full-blown hypersexuality, such as:

Hypersexuality Warning Signs

Just because you have sex, masturbate, or look at porn doesn’t mean you’re hypersexual. So how can you tell if you’ve crossed that line into hypersexuality? shares some primary signs and symptoms of hypersexual disorder:

Common Hypersexual Disorder Symptoms

  • Ongoing sexual thoughts, urges, or behaviors that feel unmanageable
  • Strong emotions such as depression, anxiety, shame, guilt, or remorse related to your sexual behavior
  • Failed attempts to change, control, or reduce your fantasies or behaviors
  • Using sexual behavior as a coping mechanism
  • Continuing to participate in behaviors that have caused significant repercussions
  • Engaging in unprotected sex or sex with multiple partners
  • Being untruthful about or trying to hide behavior
  • Trouble establishing or maintaining healthy relationships

Are You Concerned? Take Our Hypersexuality Test

If you can relate to any of the hypersexual disorder symptoms above, it’s fair to be concerned. But one blog post may not be enough to sway you to take action. You may want more specific evidence, and that’s understandable. Knowing this, we at Integrative Life Center compiled our own hypersexuality test to help give you some personal clarity. 

This hypersexuality test is free to take, only 10 multiple choice questions long, and you should finish it in one or two minutes. Though it won’t replace an official diagnosis from a licensed CSAT therapist or mental health professional, this tool will help you identify whether your sexual behavior has transformed into an actual addiction—or is trending that direction. If you’re ready to get started, you can take our sex addiction test here

If You Think You’re Hypersexual, What Should You Do? 

Hypersexual disorder is more common in men than women, and affects about 3% to 10% of the US population, according to the Cleveland Clinic. So if you think you’re hypersexual or our hypersexuality test indicates you may be, what should you do next? 

Well, here’s what you should not do: nothing. Sadly, because of societal stigmas associated with sex addiction or getting help, many hypersexual people may do nothing about it or keep it to themselves. Consequently, their hypersexuality gets worse, causing deeper and more long-term problems. 

You also shouldn’t think you can get over your hypersexuality overnight. Ten Days to a Hypersexuality-Free Life simply isn’t a reality. You can’t out-muscle your hypersexuality with behavior modification or things like porn blockers alone. Considering what porn does to the brain (or sex or masturbation for that matter) with trauma and dopamine in the mix, overcoming hypersexuality is more than just managing your triggers or symptoms. 

The best thing you can do if you think you’re hypersexual is to seek professional help. Treatment centers specializing in sexual addiction can help you address your hypersexuality at its source through trauma-informed care and therapy. You’ll also get to walk alongside a compassionate community that can empower you to find healing and remind you that you’re not alone. 

Overcome Hypersexual Disorder at Integrative Life Center

If your answer to am I hypersexual is yes (or even maybe), we can help at Integrative Life Center in Nashville, TN. With our comprehensive intimacy disorder treatment programs like sex addiction treatment and porn addiction treatment, we can help you overcome your hypersexuality for good. And our dual diagnosis treatment program can also address co-occurring disorders like anxiety or depression, too. Take our sex addiction test as a first step or contact our team now to get started. 

The post Hypersexual? Here’s How to Find Out appeared first on Integrative Life Center.


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