Wednesday, October 30, 2024

Porn Relapse: What You Should Do Next

Maybe you installed a porn blocker on your devices. Perhaps you were even doing good for a while, managing your triggers. But then it happened: you had a porn relapse

When you’re trying to learn how to stop porn addiction for good, relapsing on porn can happen sometimes. And when it does, that doesn’t mean your efforts to quit have failed. Or that you’re back to the drawing board. However, what you decide to do next in response to a porn addiction relapse is critical. 

Understanding Porn Addiction

As we discuss porn relapse, it’s important to understand the addiction behind it. Porn addiction is a form of compulsive sexual behavior known as hypersexual disorder. Rooted in trauma, porn addiction is caused by using pornography as a coping mechanism for unresolved struggles in your past, difficult circumstances, or stress. 

As you watch porn, it releases large amounts of the feel-good pleasure chemical dopamine in your brain. So when you need to self-medicate for trauma’s negative feelings, you remember the dopamine rush you got from porn and seek it out again and again. Yet over time, the pleasure you get from porn isn’t as satisfying as it used to be, so you need to watch more to achieve the same effect. Before long, you have a full-blown addiction on your hands. 

What is a Porn Relapse

When you realize what porn does to your brain, it’s easy to understand why it’s so hard to break free from its grip. Throw in porn withdrawal symptoms into the mix, and it’s even more physically and mentally challenging. That’s why a porn relapse is something that can always happen, no matter where you are on the recovery journey. 

If you’ve relapsed on porn, it means you consumed pornographic content after abstaining from it for a length of time. Yet a relapse isn’t just a one-time event; it’s reverting back to your old ways time and time again. 

Considering the ubiquity of porn on the internet and how triggers can show up anywhere, a porn relapse can affect anyone. Maybe you’ve just realized your porn addiction struggles and have been trying to quit on your own. Or perhaps you sought help for your addiction already and have been in recovery for years prior to this porn relapse. Regardless, you may feel like you’re at a crossroads. So what should you do next? 

Relapsed on Porn? Consider These Next Steps

Once you’ve relapsed on porn, you have a decision to make. After all, you can respond in multiple ways. Yet it’s important to be intentional in taking steps that can help you get back on track:

Don’t Throw in the Towel

It’s likely you feel discouraged and frustrated, maybe even hopeless. You may even feel scared that all your hard work has been wasted. However, this porn addiction relapse is a setback, not a life sentence. The last thing you want to do in response is throw in the towel and give up. Your long-term recovery is still attainable (just think about the progress you’ve made!). Instead, accept that this setback occurred and give yourself some grace. No one’s perfect. Continue the work of recovery and healing. 

Tell a Trusted Confidant About Your Porn Relapse

It’s tempting to keep your porn relapse a secret, especially if people know you’ve been trying to quit porn. Yet shame thrives in isolation, so not telling anyone about your setback leaves you vulnerable to further ones. In fact, porn consumption is linked to increased loneliness, shares the Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy. Instead, tell a trusted friend, counselor, or accountability partner that you’ve relapsed on porn. You’ll find that having someone in your corner combats loneliness and provides the encouragement you need to move forward. 

Join a Support Group

Beyond sharing with someone you know, joining a porn addiction support group can be instrumental in getting the support you need to continue your recovery. In a support group, you meet with other people who are on the same journey as you. This gives you the chance to learn from their experiences and get equipped with tools, accountability, and perspective to help you overcome your addiction.

Seek Professional Porn Addiction Treatment

If you’re trying to figure out how to stop watching porn and break free from your addiction, getting professional help is the best way forward. A porn addiction treatment program can help you address the underlying traumas in your life and learn better ways to cope. And if you’ve relapsed on porn after treatment, consider reaching out to your CSAT therapist or participating in your treatment center’s aftercare or outpatient programming to get refocused. 

Stay the Course After a Porn Relapse at Integrative Life Center

A porn addiction relapse is a normal challenge in recovery. While you may feel discouraged now, know that you can continue to make positive progress after this setback. At Integrative Life Center in Nashville, TN, we provide a comprehensive porn addiction treatment program that heals the underlying causes of your addiction, not just your symptoms. We also provide aftercare and alumni programs to help you stay the course after a relapse during recovery. To learn more, contact our team today

The post Porn Relapse: What You Should Do Next appeared first on Integrative Life Center.


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