Monday, February 24, 2025

Healing from Grief and Addiction: A Holistic Approach to Recovery

Addiction and grief do not have to co-occur–a person can grieve loss without falling into substance use disorder–but all too often, they do. Studies have shown that people with substance use disorder (SUD) have experienced more loss–either through death of loved ones or the loss of important relationships–statistically than those without SUD. Studies have also found a link between people, particularly children, who experience the loss of a loved one and a higher risk of developing SUD later in life. According to Psychology Today, whether the grief came before the SUD started or during, it can intensify the alcohol or drug abuse in the addicted person.

Clearly, there is a link between grief and addiction, and these two forces can be in a feedback loop that feels impossible to break out of. However, there is hope through holistic grief and loss treatment.

The Trauma of Loss

When a person experiences loss of a loved one, either through death or the ending of a relationship, they have experienced trauma. Trauma may be defined as an emotional response to a terrible event. That emotional response can and should include grief.

Grief may manifest in different ways. After suffering the trauma of loss, a person may experience physiological symptoms: sleep patterns may be disrupted and stress hormones intensified, affecting everything from digestion to the immune system.

Grief symptoms may also be mental: the grieving person’s mind may be so busy either trying not to forget the lost loved one or working not to think about them that they have difficulty concentrating and making decisions.

Social aspects of grief might include difficulties forming new attachments, isolation, or a lack of confidence in social interactions.

These reactions are not necessarily harmful in and of themselves, but when the impact of trauma leads to damaging behaviors such as the misuse of drugs or alcohol, it may be time to seek professional help. Though they seem to offer temporary relief from the trauma of loss, these substances only deepen suffering by creating a never-ending cycle of despair.

Common Types of Loss We Support at Our Grief Treatment Center

At Integrative Life Center, we recognize that grief can manifest from a variety of losses, and we are dedicated to providing constructive support for each individual experience. It’s essential to understand that every loss is significant, and we are here to help you navigate through the challenges associated with them. Below are some of the most common types of loss that we assist with:

The Passing of a Loved One  

Losing a spouse, parent, or child is a profoundly challenging experience. Alongside the emotional turmoil, there are immediate practicalities to manage, such as funeral arrangements, finances, and legal matters. Our supportive environment encourages you to explore your feelings, offering guidance on how to grieve and helping you take positive steps forward during this difficult time.

Loss by Suicide  

Experiencing the loss of someone to suicide can leave you feeling overwhelmed by a complex mix of emotions—shame, guilt, anger, and rejection are common responses. We provide a compassionate space where you can process these feelings and find constructive ways to heal with the assistance of our trained mental health professionals.

Death of a Pet  

The companionship of a beloved pet creates an invaluable bond. The grief that follows their passing is a natural reaction, and we recognize that it can be unexpectedly intense for some. Our approach is to validate your feelings and help you honor your pet’s memory while working through your grief in a healthy manner.

Anticipatory Loss  

When a loved one is nearing the end of their life due to age or illness, anticipatory grief can emerge. This preparation can be emotionally taxing, provoking feelings of worry, insecurity, and guilt. We are here to support you in navigating these emotions, helping you find constructive ways to approach this challenging time and fostering resilience within you.

Our team is committed to helping you through these difficult emotions, providing personalized support to guide you on your healing journey. Together, we can turn grief into growth and resilience.

A Holistic Approach to Healing

Perhaps you or a loved one find yourselves stuck in this cycle. A nightly drink to take the edge off has turned into a habit that feels beyond your control. (If you are specifically concerned about alcohol abuse, you may consider taking the AUD quiz for insight into your own health.) Recovery from your grief seems as impossible as accepting death of your loved one. You may feel you are trapped in a dark place with no way out.

The good news is that there is hope. Holistic treatment programs exist that can help you find your way to healing from grief and addiction.

What Is Holistic Treatment?

Holistic treatment for addiction and grief addresses the well-being of the whole person. Rather than isolate the emotional from the social, physical, and mental, holistic practitioners incorporate all these aspects of a person into their healing journey.

  • Physical: in a holistic treatment program, patients will work on everything from healthy eating habits to developing a regular exercise routine. Dieticians may be on staff to help patients rebuild a strong body after the ravages of addiction and grief. Sleep will also be an important element of physical treatment; both extended grief and addiction to substances can disrupt sleep patterns, and rebuilding those patterns is vital to long-term recovery.
  • Emotional: while grief is not an exclusively emotional experience, it has its roots there. Healing from grief and addiction must include an emphasis on emotional health. Talk therapy can help a patient identify their motivations for seeking and maintaining recovery, as well as strategies to cope with stress and anxiety without returning to the addiction.
  • Mental: the extreme stress of addiction and grief affects mental function, but holistic treatment can help regain mental health. Many people, for example, experience some form of trauma memory loss after experiencing a traumatic event. Through targeted therapies such as EMDR, holistic treatment can help regain those memories so they may be healthily processed and healed from. 
  • Social: in the midst of overwhelming grief, people may develop unhealthy trauma bonds. These relationships, while meant to relieve some of the pain of grief, end up feeding into the cycle of despair. Holistic treatment helps patients break these bonds and form new, lasting friendships that will contribute to healing. Through group sessions or other group interactions, patients can develop a strong sense of connection with others, a key component in long-term recovery.

Next Steps to Recovery 

If you find anything familiar in descriptions of a debilitating grief that has cycled into addiction, there is hope for you. Consider grief counseling in Nashville, TN, through the Integrative Life Center. We offer holistic treatment for addiction and grief, including yoga, multiple kinds of talk therapy, mental health retreat for grief and loss, equine therapy, art and music therapy, and much more. Contact us today at 615-709-5694 to begin your journey to healing from grief and addiction.

The post Healing from Grief and Addiction: A Holistic Approach to Recovery appeared first on Integrative Life Center.


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