Friday, October 4, 2024

Heroin Rehab: Pulling Back the Curtain

Is someone you love struggling with heroin addiction? You may have considered talking to them about heroin rehab, but you likely have no idea what goes on behind the scenes. That’s why it’s a good idea to do your research beforehand and so you can understand what your loved one should expect. 

We also want to take a moment to remind you that there is hope for your loved one’s healing. According to a story by NPR, 75% of people who experience addiction will eventually recover. In fact, there are currently about 22 million Americans living in recovery after a substance use disorder. So take heart—with the right heroin addiction treatment, your loved one can reclaim their life for the long haul. 

Is Heroin Rehab Right for Your Loved One?

As you begin your heroin rehab research, you may be unsure whether heroin treatment centers are right for your loved one or not. In short, heroin rehab is designed for people who desire to heal from their heroin addiction. It’s difficult to legally force someone into heroin rehab. That’s why it’s best if they’re willing participants.

With that said, if you think someone is using heroin, how can you know if they’re addicted to it? Well, in all likelihood they are, as you can get addicted to heroin just after a few uses. In addition to regular heroin usage, here are some other heroin addict signs you can look out for:

  • Odd sleeping habits
  • Noticeable weight loss
  • Bad hygiene
  • Mood swings
  • Excessive itching
  • Strong cravings for heroin
  • The inability to stop heroin usage
  • Withdrawal from others
  • Skipping out on responsibilities at home or at work
  • Hallucinations and paranoia


If you recognize these symptoms in someone you love, know that just telling them to stop using drugs won’t be effective. Their brains have developed a chemical dependence on heroin, so it’s not something they can quit on their own. They need heroin rehab to heal. 

Rehab Begins at a Heroin Detox Center

Once your loved one gets admitted to a heroin addiction treatment facility, they need to get heroin’s toxins out of their body under supervision. This takes place at a heroin detox center, either onsite at the heroin rehab facility or at a separate location. 

The heroin detoxification (or detox) process begins with the medical staff evaluating your loved one for the amount of heroin in their body, as well as the possibility of other conditions. Next, your loved one receives assisted help to wean off the drug into a stable, safe, and substance-free state. This process may involve medication if necessary. 

Because of heroin’s unpleasant withdrawal effects, it’s critical that your loved one detoxes under medical supervision and not on their own. As their body adjusts to the absence of heroin, your loved one may experience vomiting, mood swings, panic attacks, tremors, and more over the course of a few days (and be tempted to use heroin again to find relief). Because they’re at a heroin detox center, however, they’ll receive 24/7 care to keep them safe and help alleviate any withdrawal symptoms. 

What to Expect in Inpatient Rehab for Heroin

Once your loved one is physically heroin-free, they should transition to the residential treatment phase of heroin rehab. After all, healing from addiction is more than just behavior modification. The best residential heroin treatment centers exist to directly address the root causes of your loved one’s addiction—and not just the symptoms—putting them in a better position to attain lasting healing.

Unfortunately, heroin addiction is often the result of using drugs to cope with co-occurring disorders like post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), anxiety, or depression. Because of this, some heroin rehab centers provide dual diagnosis treatment options to address your loved one’s mental health conditions at the same time. Often, evidence-based treatment methods like dialectical behavior therapy, neurofeedback, or EMDR can help your loved one heal their mind so they can discover better ways to cope in the future. 

As many addictions are associated with past trauma, heroin rehab will often utilize trauma-informed care to create a safe place for your loved one to address and overcome trauma’s hold on their life. In addition to talk therapy, this part of heroin rehab may take a holistic treatment approach and offer experiential therapies like equine therapy, yoga, or art therapy. These hands-on experiences can help your loved one better their life skills and improve their overall wellness. 

Find Healing from Heroin at Integrative Life Center

If your loved one is ready for heroin rehab, it’s important to make sure they choose a treatment center that can provide comprehensive healing. At Integrative Life Center in Nashville, TN, our residential heroin addiction treatment program can help your loved one overcome their drug abuse and heal from any co-occurring disorders all in one place. To learn more about our treatment options, contact our team today.  

If your loved one’s addiction has resulted in deep family struggles, download our FREE Drama Triangle workbook to learn how to heal your family dynamics and better support your addicted loved one.

The post Heroin Rehab: Pulling Back the Curtain appeared first on Integrative Life Center.


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